In a recent post, I referred to “heads down management,” a term used to describe leaders who duck to avoid inevitable collisions with unpleasant circumstances. In other words, they avoid bad news.
“Get your head up and look out the window!”
These are the words my flight instructor used as I worked towards my instrument rating. There were times when I was so focused on the aircraft instruments that I forgot to look outside for obstacles like buildings, towers and other aircraft!
It’s easy to get fixated on one thing and forget about other important factors around you. This phenomenon exists inside the cockpit as well as within the boardroom.
The key: scanning and assessing
Early on in flight training, new pilots learn to scan their primary instruments to stay on course and ahead of the plane. A rookie mistake is to get fixated on one instrument at the expense of others. For example, as you worry about your heading, you could easily start a slow descent that directs the aircraft straight into the ground!
The primary instrument panel for business is your company’s scorecard: the five to 15 activity based metrics that come together to predict a future outcome. The same is true for flying — if we constantly scan the instruments that show our direction, speed, attitude, vertical speed and altitude, we can see trends that need small corrections to stay on course.
Your company’s instrument panel will uncover your issues
Find the right set up numbers to monitor the health of your business, and then act quickly as you see trends that push you off course.
And heads up: you’ll want to see what’s in front of you BEFORE you collide head-on!
11710 Plaza America Drive, Suite 2000 Reston, VA 20190
703.278.CORE (2673)
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